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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

a good news ^_^

salam alayk~

this is some what good news to me  ^_^

Saturday November 27, 2010

Too many new doctors and too few hospitals to train them


PETALING JAYA: The number of medical housemen undergoing clinical training in most government hospitals has increased and this has given rise to concern that they may not get sufficient experience.
With new medical schools opening up locally and lower fees being offered at new institutions abroad, around 4,000 Malaysian medical students are expected to graduate annually from 350 universities all over the world in the coming years.
Senior Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) consultant physician Datuk Dr S. Jeyaindran said each specialist was supervising four times as many housemen compared to a decade ago.
“Five years ago, one houseman looked after 10 patients in hospital wards at any one time but now it is one to four patients,” said Dr Jeyaindran, who is HKL department of medicine head and national head for medicine at the Health Ministry.
“The concern is that these interns are seeing fewer patients and hence, have fewer opportunities to carry out adequate procedures. In some hospitals, there are more housemen than patients.”
Dr Jeyaindran said they were not only concerned about the increase in numbers but also their attitude.
“Some lack responsibility towards their patients,” he said, adding that there were also those who did not know how to give an accurate diagnosis and relied too much on investigative tools instead of clinical skills and getting the proper patient history.
Malaysian Medical Council ethics committee chairman Datuk Dr Abdul Hamid Abdul Kadir said several specialists had expressed concern about the large numbers and training hospitals were finding it difficult to cope.
“In the past, it was five housemen in each department but now it could be 20 to 30 for each department,” he said, adding that some specialists were overburdened by the workload.
Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said the ministry was aware of the issue and would be increasing the number of training hospitals.
He said the ideal ratio should be one specialist supervising five housemen with one houseman taking care of 14 hospital beds depending on discipline.
There were 38 hospitals providing training to more than 3,058 housemen last year.
However, the number increased to the current 6,253 housemen since the ministry increased the duration of housemanship from one year to two.
“This led to most hospitals, including those in Sabah and Sarawak, having an excess of housemen,” he said.
Hospitals that were chosen must be able to cater to six areas in which housemen need training – medical, surgical, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, orthopaedic and accident, and emergency, he said.
Liow also said that they would be getting 58 contract specialists from Egypt, India and Pakistan next month to help supervise housemen and reduce the burden of the specialists now.
He also said that the ministry had taken steps to overcome the lack of experience among housemen by making training compulsory for two years instead of one.


compared to this horror one  T_T

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Why we left and why we will continue to leave...
Posted by: MS Mohamad
I read an interesting article today about a few prominent figures addressing their concern over the increasing UKM and UM medical graduates who have left the country to continue their medical practice overseas.
After reading the news for 3 times, I called a very close friend, an MD (UKM) graduate to ask his opinion on how the news might have affected him. He has been working in Singapore for more than a decade as a Consultant Surgeon with a certain sub-specialty
"Why be a slave in your own country, when you are a king in another?" He replied.
Indeed, if anybody would want to find a reason why all of us left, either after housemanship, after being a specialist, or even after sub specializing, and now, even prior to doing housemanship, they need not look at our payslip, or the wealth that we have gained overseas, but only to the Medical System that has been rotting in the ignorance and politic-based stupidity that Malaysia has been well-known for (in the medical field).
I have served the system for nearly 2 decades of my career, waiting for it to improve for so long, and only finding myself in despair, quitting with a 24-hour notice and serving abroad. The system is, in my opinion, keeping doctors, since the beginning of their career as House Officers to the end of it, in the lowermost priority. When I was working there, doctors are so ill-treated, while the nurses and the medical assistants are overpowering us.
I still remember the days when I was doing seeing patients and rounds as an MO, while the staff nurses would mind their own business, having breakfast in the pantry, or having gossip chats at their own leisure. My House Officers would then have to do merely all the labour-work, up to the extent of setting intravenous drips, and serving medications. If I am to expect the nurses, my patients would have been dead, or the work would have been too slowly or incompletely done.
When I was a House Officer, I had to run down 4-5 floors just to review a blood investigation of a dying dengue patient. The ward staff would either be nowhere around, or will say that he is busy (busier than the doctor?) or the answer I got at that time:
"Doktor nak cepat, doktor turun sendirilah, gaji doktor lagi banyak dari saya"
Even when I was a Specialist, the staff nurses had to be called again and again just to make sure the management plan for the patient would be done. I was already used to answers from them:
“I’m busy with something else"
“My shift is already over"
...it was routine for me.
The Medical Assistants were worse. They would hide behind their so-called boss, the Head of Medical Assistant. They feel hiding behind him would make them not under our jurisdiction, that we have no power to instruct them in managing the patient, that they have power to manage own their own. I've seen them giving medications not as we prescribed, performing procedures without our knowledge, as if they are the actual "Doctors". They are in their own world, and we have to do their job, taking blood, labelling samples, and even cleaning gadgets from the procedures that we have done.
Oh, but the ministry loves this group. They even let them run a clinic now, instead of upgrading the clinics already run by doctors. The government feels that the MAs are very important and should never be ill-treated by those big bad doctors. One time when I was a District Hospital Medical Officer, I was conducting a delivery of a baby. An MA insisted that I remove my car which was block-parking his car. I answered through the phone that I was busy.
He came to the labor room and yelled "Semua orang pun sibuk jugak, macamlah doktor seorang yang sibuk!” 
It is insulting that an MA or a staff nurse claims that they are BUSY, as busy as a doctor? As a Malaysian Doctor, I have even worked for 72 hours straight. I have experienced working until my 6 month old daughter did not recognize me at the end of the week.
Is that how busy they are? I am very sure that they are so busy, that they can only spend 2 hours at the nearby Mamak stall, or can only leave at 5:10 PM instead of 5, or can only have 1 hour of lunch.
The management staffs are worse. I have to beg and plead so that I can get my on-call claims, of RM25 per 48 hours of work. While sitting in an air-conditioned office, they will at their own leisure, process my call claims so that I will receive them by the next decade.
The state health or Hospital Director would just give another inspirational talk (of bollocks) on team effort and beauty of teamwork.
That is how Malaysian doctors are treated in the government sector: without respect, without dignity and without significance. Why?
It is because we are bound by ethics to try our best to save lives, despite how ill-treated we are. We hardly have time to complaint because we are too busy or tired, and we would rather spend the precious time resting or seeing our loved ones. The burden of trying to save lives is on our shoulders alone. No MAs or Staff nurses would shoulder it with us. They have their own bosses: the Sisters, Matrons, or Head of MAs, which job description is to ensure that the big bad doctors will not ask their underlings to do extra work.
This is how the Malaysian Ministry of Health have treated their doctors. I am very sure that in each and every doctor, there is a slowly-burning patience in serving the Malaysian people, which will eventually fade and cause them to surrender to serving a place that treats them better.
A few colleagues who graduated from UK choose to serve there:
"The pay is more, and we get the respect we deserve"
Another works in Brunei:
“Here the staff nurses respect Malaysian doctors, and they are very co-operative" (He ended up marrying one)
A few are consultants in Singapore (working with me):
"Here we are treated well, we spearhead the management, and every else do their work to the best of their capabilities".
A few even enjoys working in Indonesia:
“The work-load is horrible since there are a lot of patients, but we are well respected by every hospital personnel" (They have migrated there for nearly a decade)
I am sure that people will see doctors as power-hungry individuals who want to be the boss in the hospital. Trust me, after having graduated 6-7 years of medical school, earning a DEGREE, and subsequently MASTERS, and SUBSPECIALITY, you would expect a degree of respect and being considered important. We are trying our best to improve patient's quality of life, or making sure he lives another day. Is it too much to ask from the system that we are important?
I find that Malaysia is the only country that is making doctors' lives miserable and treated like rubbish. It was never about the pay in the first place. It is about the treatment we are getting and the false political-based promises. Do you know that the so-called circular about doctors can have the day off after working 24 hours straight released JULY 2009 is not yet implemented? Do you know that the raise of UD 41 to 44 does not involve every doctor in the government service?
We are waiting for improvement. We have waited a long time when we were working in the system. Somewhere along the line we decided to leave and wait outside the system. Until the system changes, we will continue to work overseas, in countries which are appreciative of us. Trust me, Malaysian-graduate doctors are considered highly skilful and competent in neighbouring countries, and the 15 % brain drain is more significant than you think.
We will return when the system prioritize us and gives us the quality of life we deserve.
If it stays the same, Malaysian Hospitals would end up having Staff nurses and Medical Assistants as "Doctors", and we would have to send patients to Indonesia for an appendicectomy.
Hear our voice. We hardly speak, but will usually fade away from conflict (and fly to another place). 


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Waktu = kehidupan vs Time = life


baru balik dari kelas tweet -ayyuhal walad..
da nak abis dah daurah pengajian kitab ni rupanya..huhu
tetiba belek2 balik tajuk2 sebelum ni, terjumpa tajuk yang terasa menarik..

Nasihat pertama Imam al-Ghazali kepada anak muridnya,
Waktu itu adalah kehidupan..

sabda Rasul s.a.w
"Adalah dikira sebagai tanda berpalingnya Allah Taala daripada seseorang hamba apabila ia selalu mengerjakan perkara yang tidak berfaedah. Dan seandainya ada satu saat sahaja daripada umurnya yang telah digunakannya pada barang yang bukan merupakan tujuan hidupnya (iaitu beribadat kepada Allah) maka layaklah bahawa akan panjang penyelesalannya (pada hari kiamat nanti) dan siapa yang umurnya lebih daripada empat puluh tahun sedangkan kebaikannya masih belum dapat melebihi kejahatannya maka layaklah ia mempersiapkan dirinya untuk memasuki api neraka"

sekadar ini sudah cukup untuk menjadi nasihat kepada semua orang yang berilmu

seram jer rasa terima nasihat ini..T_T

tertarik dengan tajuk nasihat ini sebab tengah round paeds >neonatology > resuscitation
segalanya mesti dilakukan dengan pantas!
Time means Life ~!
sedikit kesalahan kita mungkin akan menyebabkan kesengsaraan
buat bayi & keluarga mereka seumur hidup..
contohnya ; jika brain anoxia --> cerebral palsy 

kami belajar apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan 
apabila bayi yang dilahitkan tidak menangis sebaik dilahirkan.
setiap saat sangat berharga~!
tindakan akan berubah untuk setiap 30 saat..
1st 30 sec - give tactile stimulation
2nd 30 sec - give bag and mask stimulation
3rd 30 sec - do endotracheal intubation and ventilation to the baby

bagaimana berHARGAnya satu saat itu..
dan akibatnya apabila diBAZIRkan

Friday, November 19, 2010

Disebalik kelahiran tokoh itu...

baru selesai membaca novel Imam Syafie karya Abdul Latip Talib.

Sangat banyak mutiara dalam karya beliau untuk dikutip. 
di awal pembacaan, saya amat tertarik dengan didikan yang diberikan oleh ibu Imam Syafie.
kehebatan seorang tokoh itu dipengaruhi oleh hebatnya asuhan ibunya. !!

Masih lagi dalam mood eid adha..
dimana 'pengorbanan' merupakan the main subject now~
ketika pengajian QaF (Qurban and Feqh) tempoh hari,
seakan baru  terfikir perkaitannya.

Ust Muhammad Noorazam (tuan penceramah)
me'refresh' kembali kata-kata Nabi Ismail kepada ayahnya saat Nabi Ibrahim menyampaikan mimpi beliau kepada anaknya,
'Hai bapakku, kerjakanlah apa yang diperintahkan kepadamu: Insya Allah kamu akan mendapatiku termasuk orang-orang yang sabar.'" (QS. ash-Shaffat: 102)

... ketahuilah, ini semua adalah perintah Allah." jelas Ibrahim.
"Jika benar ia adalah perintah Allah, tinggalkanlah kami di sini. Aku reda ditinggalkan." jawab Siti Hajar mantap.

see the similarity between those great answer?

mari kita selami pula petikan dari buku yang saya baca pula.
Sungguh saya kagum pada kamu~! 
ibu tokoh terbilang !!

Setiap kali selepas sembahyang, Ummu Habibah al-Uzdiyyah berdoa semoga anaknya dikurniakan kecerdasan akal supaya mudah menghafal ayat-ayat suci Quran. Doa si ibu dimakbulkan Tuhan.

Apabila ditanya oleh jiran tetangga tentang rahsia mendidik anak sehingga luar biasa ingatannya, beliau menjawab.."Saya sentiasa mendoakan kebaikan untuknya. Makan dan minumnya saya pastikan daripada sumber yang halal. Saya tidak pernah memarahinya apatah lagi mengucapkan kata-kata yang tidak baik padanya. Kerana kata-kata ibu itu adalah doa. Sekiranya dia melakukan kesalahan, saya didik dia dengan nasihat dan tunjuk ajar."

Setelah mempelajari ilmu Quran dan Hadith, Imam Syafie mempelajari pula ilmu mengarang syair dengan  Mus’ab bin Zubair (seorang penyair terkenal) .  Apabila Imam Syafie berjaya mengarang serangkap puisi, beliau memujinya. Imam Syafie ingin berkongsi kegembiraan bersama ibunya. Ketika tiba di rumah, ibunya berada di dapur. Pintu rumah tertutup. Dengan tidak sabar, Imam Syafie mengetuk pintu dengan kuat sambil memanggil nama ibunya menyuruh membuka pintu. Ummu Habibah berasa agak tersinggung lalu berkata, “Beginikah pekerti kamu selepas menjadi seorang penyair? Sesungguhnya ilmu itu menjadikan kamu sombong. Lebih baik kamu pergi memnuntut ilmu agama hingga budi pekerti kamu menjadi baik.” Marah Ummu Habibah al-Uzdiyyah.

Sebelum melanjutkan pengajian kepada ilmu feqah, beliau meminya izin dari gurunya untuk pulang bertemu ibunya. Beliau diberi tiga hari cuti. Tiba dirumah, pintu tertutup. Dia member salam namun tiada jawapan. Setelah mengulangi salam sebanyak tiga kali, dia duduk di muka pintu hingga terlena kepenatan. Seusai Ummu Habibah al-Uzdiyyah solat, dia terperanjat melihat Imam Syafie lena di luar. “Maafkan ibu kerana sedang sembahyang tasbih tadi. Masuk dan berehatlah di dalam. Kamu pasti kepenatan.” “Tadi saya berasa penat dan mengantuk. Tetapi selepas bertemu ibu, rasa penat dan mengantuk itu hilang.” Ummu Habibah al-Uzdiyyah tersenyum gembira mendengar kata-kata anaknya lalu berkata. “Sesungguhnya ilmu al-Quran dan hadith yang kamu peljari itu dapat membentuk dirimu menjadi anak yang soleh.” 
"Anakku, tiga hari kamu berada di rumahini adalah terlalu lama. Kerana itu lebih baik kamu pendekkan cutimu dan pergilah segera mempelajari ilmu feqah,” Imam Syafie akur dan memendekkan cutinya lalu kembali kepada gurunya.

Suatu pagi, Ummu Habibah al-Uzdiyyah mengemas rumah. Dia mendapati bilik Imam Syafie dipenuhi dengan timbunan tulang, kulit kayu, pelepah tamar dan kertas lusuh. Dia berasa tidak senang melihatnya. “Sesungguhnya kebersihan itu sebahagian daripada iman. Kenapa bilikmu bersepah dengan sampah sarap? Kata Ummu Habibah al-Uzdiyyah. Sedangkan semua itu adalah bahan yang digunakan oleh Imam syafie untuk mencatat ilmu lantaran kemiskinan mereka. Ibunya menyambung, “Ilmu yang kamu pelajari itu sepatutnya disimpan dalam ingatan, bukannya di dalam bilik tidur,”

Saat Imam Syafie berhajat menuntut ilmu dengan imam Malik di Kota Madinah (Beliau dan ibunya tinggal di Kota Mekah). Ummu Habibah al-Uzdiyyah menguatkan hati Imam SYafie dengan berkata, “Ibu berbesar hati menghantar kamu ke medan jihad ilmu, kerana ibu yakin hidup kita bukan semata-mata untuk diri tetapi kita juga punya amanah yang perlu dilangsaikan buat masyarakat.” 
“Usah risau mengenai ibu, suatu masa nanti kita akan ditinggalkan sendirian untuk bertemu Allah, samada ibu yang meninggalkan kamu ataupun kamu yang menginggalkan ibu terlebih dahulu. Lagipun anakanda hanya sekadar pinjaman Allah buat ibu.” Jawab Ummu Habibah al-Uzdiyyah penuh hikmah.

Sambil mengusap lembut anaknya, Ummu Habibah al-Uzdiyyah berkata, "Ibu tidak mampu memberikan kamu harta dan barangan mewah, hanya ilmu yang mampu ibu berikan sebagai harta. Pergilah ke mana yang kamu mahukan untuk menuntut ilmu kerana ibu yakin, dengan ilmu kamu akan terselamat dari tipu daya dunia,”

“Pergilah, kamu punya amanah yang besar untuk islam dan seluruh ummah,” jelas Ummu Habibah al-Uzdiyyah dengan tegas.

* moga kisah ini dapat memotivasikan diri ini untuk menjadi yang terbaik~! ^~^

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Allah's plan is da best !!

... Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, 
dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu,
padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; 
Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.
(al-Baqarah: 216)

Thank you Allah, for all the best ever plan you made for us..

rancangnya cuti raya haji seminggu ini ingin kami sama2 manfaatkan 
untuk bercuti ke luxor & aswan..
yelah~ jika di izinkan Allah, kami akan menamatkan pengajian di sini sekitar dalam 
dua tahun setengah lagi..

segala-galanya tampak mudah dan lancar..
walaupun pada mulanya aku terasa 50-50 untuk pergi atau tidak..
tapi, dengan usaha sahabat2 lain, segalanya tampak lancar..
sehinggalah disaat-saat akhir, segalanya kelam~

                                                 kalo ade rezeki, kita jumpa nanti! :P

en.emad (our tour agent) sangat manis mulutnya..
ja, yang kami amanahkan untuk berurusan dengan beliau pada mulanya
seakan-akan terkena jampian en.emad.
segala-galanya nampak sangat menarik & mudah dengan en.emad..

" saya rasa en.emad ni ok lah kalo kita pegi dgn dia.."
" package lengkap dari train seat 1st class return + hotel + tour guide +bla..bla.. 
x sampai LE1000.."
" eh, ja ni. awak kne jampi apa ngn en.emad ni?.."
" rilex la dulu, kita survey2, dulu, then comparekan dgn agent yg nawal ckp ritu.."

dipendekkan cerita, akhirnya kami sepakat dgn tour en.emad,
last minute, cuti kami dipendekkan dari 8 hari menjadi 5 hari (termasuk hari raya)
kami usaha pegi jumpa our head dept semata-mata ingin meminta cuti lebih..he3
< x senonoh kan kami? :D>
dah dapat cuti, tetibe ja bagitao...
" en.emad cakap train return dia nak excludekan dari package trip.."
" eh, mana boleh camtuh! tetiba nak exclude! mahal lah jadi harga trip ni "

akhirnya kami sepakat untuk batalkan trip kali ini..
ada sebab Allah x izin...
percaya lah~
nak tahu sebab apa?

hampir kesemua kami yang rancang mengikuti trip ini x sehat sepanjang minggu ini..
peralihan musim lah katakan..
start dari nawal, then, aku & ahli bet, juga sya...

oh ~
inilah hikmah yang Allah sembunyikan !
Terima kasih Allah !!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

warkah senior...

sedih bila tengok video ni..
ditayangkan pada malam mahabbah (penutup USMB '10)..
sama2 kita hayati~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

pre - on call konon2..hehe~

sgt2 exhausted!!
semalam doc panjangkn tempoh lecture
dek kerana tajuk yang besar untuk dihabiskan pada hari itu..
slalunya, kami akan tamat kelas pada pukul 1 t/hari sepanjang round paed, in hematology unit..
tp, semalam klas abis kol 2 ptg..huhu~

dah la terlepas cakap untuk volunteer amik case ari tu..(sbb bajet abis klas cm biasa..)
so, terlajak perahu boleh di undur, terlajak kata kena dikota...he3
pakat la pi amik case kol 3 ptg~
( sbb tetibe ade mesorat kol 4 ptg..huhu)

nak amik history je pon..
dikelilingi ngan patient's relatives yang ramai..
+ blurr sbb exhausted dgn lecture ( tepu lah kononn!)
+ x really prepare soalan yang nak ditanya
+ vocab arab yang ntah pape
+ tetiba x confidence nak buat test kat patient
= done history taking with so many blank space on the report sheet..

anyway, kadang2 sonok jugak bila dah start round ni..
jumpa macam2 ragam patient..
tambahan plak round paeds skang~ :D

                                                with cute kid, moustoffa (a Henoch-Schoenlein purpura)     

                                                  ...and an active kid, Mohammed (our case with lymphoma)