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Friday, June 24, 2011

neuro and Islam

Doc Azza Abaas once said in her lecture of neuropathy that 
"The infectious stage of leprosy is manifested by loss of outer 1/3 of eye brows and downward falled of the nose (Leonine face) " and she do remind us on hadith that Prophet Muhammad PBUH said to keep distance between you and leprosy's patient as you be far away from lion..and I had search about the hadith and found this..

 Nabi s.a.w bersabda :
فِرَّ من المجذوم فِرارَك من الأسد
Ertinya : Larilah (jauhilah) mereka yang berpenyakit kusta sebagaimana kamu lari dari singa" ( Riwayat Al-Bukhari)

Hadith ini menguatkan lagi kenyataan bahawa Islam dan sains memang tidak boleh dipisahkan. Orang yang melihat sains dari perspektif Islam akan sentiasa menemukan kebesaran Allah dan keIzzahan Islam dalam kajian sainsnya..

waAllahu A3lam~

p/: Round Neuropsychiatry dah habis. Very interesting in both branch. Really neuro is interesting as mathematics. There is a formula that once you understand it very well you will know the consequence. Really admire all those neuro's doc.

but sad to say that many of this patient can't be cure. Make me think again what is the best specialist branch to choose if I had the oppurtunity to.. hoho

**the description bout the facies further discuss in dermatology;
Leprosy's patient face have thickened glistening skin of forehead, thickened nodular saddling ear lobes, depressed nose, loss of expression due to paresisin facial muscles, madarosis of eyelashes and eyebrows with nodular lesion on the face.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

be good to others~

Di dalam sepotong ayat Allah s.w.t. berfirman maksudnya:
"Dan tuntutlah dengan harta kekayaan yang telah dikurniakan Allah kepadamu akan pahala dan kebahagiaan hari akhirat dan janganlah engkau melupakan bahagianmu (keperluan dan bekalanmu) dari dunia dan berbuat baiklah (kepada hamba-hamba Allah) sebagaimana Allah berbuat baik kepadamu (dengan pemberian nikmatNya yang melimpah-limpah) dan janganlah engkau melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi; sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada orang-orang yang berbuat kerosakan." (Al-Qasas:77)

 salam alayk..

walaupun telah berulang kali ayat ini diulang,

1st sekali x silap, k.una yg share ayat ni mase tengah sakit hati giler2 dgn 'manusia itu'..
berkenalan dengan Amal, (kawan arab yg sgt baik)..
dia byk sgt tolong sy & kawan terutama bila nk dekat exam..
beliau akan berkongsi buku2, nota2 kuliah & tution
supaya saya dapat sebagaimana yg dia dapat..

and dia selalu cakap.."I want to help you as Allah help me"
thats the sentence that she keep tell me day and day..
"you can share with your other colleague anything that i give you"
"pray for me also for the exam, but if you don't pray ensha Allah, He will still help me"

lama dah x jmpe amal sejak end round exam general IM..

sekarang tengah round Neuropsychiatry yng sangat interesting (branch of special IM)
Neurology mmg subjek yg besar & sangat memeningkan..
dr Khalid Rasyid in one of our round doctor..
doc yg sgt best!
he make the cranial nerves and some of neurology examination become easy and simple to us..
he once had said " I want benefit you as God help me"

thank you Allah for give me this opportunity to be around all these really good people!